by Jennifer Slattery

I'm honored and excited to introduce you to a woman who's done so much behind the scenes here at COTT to make sure you, our readers, have a smooth, fun experince when you visit our site. Patty Wyson embodies the traits outlined in Proverbs 31 in so many ways. Again and again, she serves others, whether it is by hosting great interviews to help authors expand their career, fixing major formatting problems for authors racing the clock as they work on a proposal, doing critiques expecting nothing in return or offering a kind word to a fellow traveler who's hit a rough patch. Most of these acts of service go unnoticed as she works quietly behind the scenes to help others succeed. Today, we get to pull back the curtain so to speak and publicly thank her for helping to make Clash of the Titles a great success!
Patty, you're quite the web-master! Tell us, how did you get started in web design?
It's all my sister's fault. (LoL, I've had years to practice that line.) Shortly after starting my blog my sister taught me how to change the color of my site and that started me on the quest. I had a blog make-over, then studied the code and asked questions and googled for answers. That's when I began to understand the workings of a blog and began experimenting. As I learned by trial and (great) error, I discovered how much I enjoyed working on my site. Thankfully, it didn't end there! I have a great group of friends and they let me drag them into the blogging world, which of course led to helping them with their sites in the hopes of sparing them all the head-banging I did.
Whenever I see women finding ways to use their talents to bless their family financially, I am reminded of the Proverbs 31 woman. How does web-design fit it with your calling as a mother and a wife?
Oh my. That Proverbs 31 woman makes me shake in my shoes! I don't even come close to her.
Web design fits beautifully because it's something I do from home, on my computer, in the corner of the living room where I'm still able to see and hear all that goes on here at home. With five kids, that's important, even if the two oldest are coming and going to college classes and work. The other three are still homeschooled, so this allows me to continue with them and help financially. I'm able to work on my family's timetable and usually family and work dovetail nicely. We've always done things as a family, and this is no exception as the kids pitch in with the cooking and cleaning, giving me more time to work. I'm so proud of them and very blessed.
How long have you been doing web-design work?
I've been helping others for close to two-and-a-half-years. Design and teaching became a ministry that I dearly loved, and it took on a life of its own last fall. LoL—It still surprises me.
For years, you've donated your services and skills to countless websites and authors, and it appears, God has blessed your generosity. It also appears you've met some great personalities. What has been the best unexpected positive consequence of working on other people's websites?
I DO feel that God has greatly blessed me as I've helped others. Seeing people excited about their blogs—blogs that are an extension of them and their personality, seeing them expand their platform, and seeing them reach out and encourage others through their sites is exciting for me. It's a huge blessing for me.
The best thing, by far, has been the people I've met. Each one has touched my life in their own way. The most unexpected positive consequence would be the ripple effect from jumping on board and starting The Barn Door with Lisa Lickle. Wow. That's when designing took on a life of its own. LoL. The Barn Door led to Clash of the Titles and The Book Loft, and those led to Jewels of Encouragement and... well, let's just say it's been fun. And wild. And definitely surprising.
Explain to us what you do? What services do you offer and how can we find out more?
One of my favorite things to do is to make sites that reflect their owner. I do everything from set up sites to giving them make-overs to doing accessories like buttons and siggies. Another thing I absolutely love doing is teaching others to work on their own sites. I have an email class, tutoring, as well as webinar workshops. You can find out more in the Blog Design, Premade, and Workshops tabs on my site. I also do book layout and formatting and cover design work.
To celebrate, I'm giving away the winner's choice of a premade design. Leave a comment to be entered, and you can get an extra entry by leaving a comment on this post on my site.
Thanks so much for having me!
~*~ Patty Wysong ~*~
Finding the extraordinary God in our ordinary lives. Blog and website design.
Jewels of Encouragement - Adding Zest to your nest - The Barn Door— & The Book Loft

I'm honored and excited to introduce you to a woman who's done so much behind the scenes here at COTT to make sure you, our readers, have a smooth, fun experince when you visit our site. Patty Wyson embodies the traits outlined in Proverbs 31 in so many ways. Again and again, she serves others, whether it is by hosting great interviews to help authors expand their career, fixing major formatting problems for authors racing the clock as they work on a proposal, doing critiques expecting nothing in return or offering a kind word to a fellow traveler who's hit a rough patch. Most of these acts of service go unnoticed as she works quietly behind the scenes to help others succeed. Today, we get to pull back the curtain so to speak and publicly thank her for helping to make Clash of the Titles a great success!
Patty, you're quite the web-master! Tell us, how did you get started in web design?
It's all my sister's fault. (LoL, I've had years to practice that line.) Shortly after starting my blog my sister taught me how to change the color of my site and that started me on the quest. I had a blog make-over, then studied the code and asked questions and googled for answers. That's when I began to understand the workings of a blog and began experimenting. As I learned by trial and (great) error, I discovered how much I enjoyed working on my site. Thankfully, it didn't end there! I have a great group of friends and they let me drag them into the blogging world, which of course led to helping them with their sites in the hopes of sparing them all the head-banging I did.
Whenever I see women finding ways to use their talents to bless their family financially, I am reminded of the Proverbs 31 woman. How does web-design fit it with your calling as a mother and a wife?
Oh my. That Proverbs 31 woman makes me shake in my shoes! I don't even come close to her.
Web design fits beautifully because it's something I do from home, on my computer, in the corner of the living room where I'm still able to see and hear all that goes on here at home. With five kids, that's important, even if the two oldest are coming and going to college classes and work. The other three are still homeschooled, so this allows me to continue with them and help financially. I'm able to work on my family's timetable and usually family and work dovetail nicely. We've always done things as a family, and this is no exception as the kids pitch in with the cooking and cleaning, giving me more time to work. I'm so proud of them and very blessed.
How long have you been doing web-design work?
I've been helping others for close to two-and-a-half-years. Design and teaching became a ministry that I dearly loved, and it took on a life of its own last fall. LoL—It still surprises me.
For years, you've donated your services and skills to countless websites and authors, and it appears, God has blessed your generosity. It also appears you've met some great personalities. What has been the best unexpected positive consequence of working on other people's websites?
I DO feel that God has greatly blessed me as I've helped others. Seeing people excited about their blogs—blogs that are an extension of them and their personality, seeing them expand their platform, and seeing them reach out and encourage others through their sites is exciting for me. It's a huge blessing for me.
The best thing, by far, has been the people I've met. Each one has touched my life in their own way. The most unexpected positive consequence would be the ripple effect from jumping on board and starting The Barn Door with Lisa Lickle. Wow. That's when designing took on a life of its own. LoL. The Barn Door led to Clash of the Titles and The Book Loft, and those led to Jewels of Encouragement and... well, let's just say it's been fun. And wild. And definitely surprising.
Explain to us what you do? What services do you offer and how can we find out more?
One of my favorite things to do is to make sites that reflect their owner. I do everything from set up sites to giving them make-overs to doing accessories like buttons and siggies. Another thing I absolutely love doing is teaching others to work on their own sites. I have an email class, tutoring, as well as webinar workshops. You can find out more in the Blog Design, Premade, and Workshops tabs on my site. I also do book layout and formatting and cover design work.
To celebrate, I'm giving away the winner's choice of a premade design. Leave a comment to be entered, and you can get an extra entry by leaving a comment on this post on my site.
Thanks so much for having me!
~*~ Patty Wysong ~*~
Finding the extraordinary God in our ordinary lives. Blog and website design.
Jewels of Encouragement - Adding Zest to your nest - The Barn Door— & The Book Loft