The Happiest of Holiday Reading to you!
seven authors with you -- some old friends and some new.
Voting starts today, December 9
and goes through
Midnight December 15, CST.
Vote now --use the survey form! those are the only ones that count--and leave the
authors a word of encouragement both here and on the survey form. Share with other
book lovers, and Come back Thursday
December 17 for the Clash of the Titles champion.
December 17 for the Clash of the Titles champion.
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Which book would be next for you?
Scroll down to find the voting form.
Sixty thousand people watched
Candace Rodriguez literally fall off the stage while performing the national
anthem, wrecking more than her self-esteem. Will her new faith in Christ be
strong enough to bring her to an After she could only dream of in her music,
health, and love?

In 1903 New York City, Italian
immigrant Sofia Falcone learns a family secret that sends her mother to the
brink of insanity. When she meets a Vaudeville pianist whose own struggles
cross hers on the streets of Little Italy, change is on the way, though it may
not bring what they expect.

The stalwart saint fights for
faith... the redeemed rebel, fights for honor. After Dirk rescues Gwyneth from
the Iconoclastic Fury, she discovers that faith is sometimes fragile and hope
is not as easy as it may seem.

What if the plane crash that killed
Amy's fiancé was no accident? Some questions need to be asked.
Create your own user feedback survey Images courtesy of and the author's Amazon or Goodreads pages.