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03 December 2010

Unpublished/Self-published --Action Scenes

This week was yet another close duel! This happens frequently at COTT, largely because the excerpt has to be good to battle in the first place. Each week COTT hosts select their two favorite excerpts from an anonymous collection sent our way. Then you, our readers, choose your favorite from our two favorites.
Yesterday I realized I had forgotten to close the survey on Tuesday. Please forgive me! Luckily, I had already calculated the votes on Tuesday night, so the votes placed after the official close will not alter the results. (Which prevents this from becoming a popularity contest.)

And now, for what you all have been waiting for...drum roll please...our new literary champion is...

Cathy Bryant with Texas Roads, with 55.6% of the vote.
William Ramirez was so very close, coming in at 44.4%!

With votes like that, both our authors are winners! But unfortunately, only one can wear the crown and this week, it goes to Cathy. Congrats!
Yesterday, we began our interview. Today, we will conclude with what I believe is the most important aspect of our writers' lives--their walk with God. Come find out how their relationship with their Creator, the Divine Author, enhances their writing.

How does your relationship to God play into your writing?

William: It plays into everything. I want my writing to glorify God first and foremost. I don't necessarily pray over each plot twist, but I would never want to write anything that dishonored Him. I want his blessing and empowerment, so I seek him for wisdom and help on a regular basis, especially when I get discouraged with my writing. 

Cathy: My relationship to God is my reason for writing. I view this craft as another means of spreading the gospel and encouraging believers. Any ability I have is because of God, and I want to use that ability as my gift back to Him.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

William: Romans 5:8 "But God commends his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." I never cease to be amazed at how much God loves me in spite of me.
(Love that! God doesn't love us because of us, but in spite of us. Wow!)

Cathy: I can't choose just one, so I'll give one of my favorites: "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." ~2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV)

The reason I love this verse is because it's a vivid image of what was accomplished for us at Calvary. Jesus took our sin and replaced it with God's righteousness. What a breathtaking gift of grace!

And now to unveil our two winning readers! (More, rather extended, drum roll...)

Jan Marie, who entered via comments, and Tammi who entered by voting! Ladies, if you could contact me at contactcott@gmail.com, we will get your prize to you right away!

Jan Marie, you've won a free copy of Cathy Bryant's Texas Roads.

Tammi, you've won our secret book--Stories Behind the Greatest Hits of Christmas by Ace Collins.

Woo-hoo to all our winners! And come back Monday for another great Clash and another chance to win, win, win!

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Item Reviewed: Unpublished/Self-published --Action Scenes Rating: 5 Reviewed By: April Gardner